Thursday, June 26

  • Registration Sponsor: FASTER Asset Solutions

  • In this hands-on session, attendees will brainstorm on various topics and work together to find solutions to industry challenges. From EVs to telematics to safety and more,  this is the time to collaborate and learn from your peers in a one-stop shop for learning. 

  • Join us for an exclusive session featuring the judges of the 2025Leading Fleets award, including past winners and representatives from the American Public Works Association (APWA). This interactive discussion will delve into what it takes to excel in fleet innovation, leadership, and operational excellence. Hear firsthand what impressed the judges most about this year’s winners and gain actionable insights into the criteria used to identify the top-performing fleets.

    With time set aside for audience questions, this session offers a unique opportunity to learn from industry leaders and enhance your fleet’s strategy for future success. Whether you’re aspiring to be a Leading Fleet or simply looking to elevate your operations, this session is a must-attend for public fleet professionals.

    Sam Lamerato, City of Troy, MI

    Rick Longobart, City of Raleigh, NC & Longobart-Ross Consulting
    Juston Lafler
    Kevin Schlangen, CPFP, CAFM, CEM, Dakota County, MN
    Eric Winterset
    William Klous

  • This session will address what tires to select for Electric, Hybrid, and combustion vehicles and what makes them different. How to determine what tire(s) is best for your fleet (brand, tread type, size), and what laws and regulations should you be concerned with.

    T.J. Tennent, Tennent, Winkelman & Associates/The Tyre Guy

  • A panel of California Fleet Managers will provide an update and answer questions on their successes and ongoing challenges with transitioning to Zero Emissions Vehicles to meet regulatory compliance requirements. Other states have already or plan to adopt California’s most recent regulations to transition to Zero Emissions Vehicles.  Learn if your state is one of them and what you should prepare for in advance or the regulations.

    David Worthington, County of Santa Clara

    Panelists: TBD

  • It might sound like the start to a dumb joke, but you'll find this session anything but. RTA's head of product & consulting Marc Canton will show you how to calculate the precise team your fleet operation needs, how to address current hiring challenges in the industry, best practices for building and maintaining a healthy team, and tips for what to do with the few bad apples that might show up. If you're hiring on your fleet, or know you'll be hiring in the future, this session is a can't-miss.

    Marc Canton, RTA The Fleet Success Co. 

  • This session will present strategies for reducing distracted driving incidents, a leading cause of fleet accidents, especially in government operations. Panel Discussion Points: Key findings from fleet crash investigations related to distracted driving. Techniques for reinforcing the importance of focus and safe habits through continuous education. The impact of mobile device policies and enforcement on driving behavior.

    Judie Nuskey, Advanced Driver Training Services

    Robert Martinez, RSM Fleet Consulting LLC
    Tim Adams, HAAS Alert
    Eric Richardson, Windels Marx Lane & Mittendorf, LLP

  • This is a great opportunity to discuss content and see what our editor is focused on when it comes to fleet. Have a burning question or an idea you’d like to share? Stop by and let our editor know!

    This isn't just a meetup; it's an opportunity to make connections, exchange ideas, and be a part of the narrative that drives our magazines forward. Your insights are invaluable, and by being there, you contribute to shaping the future of what Government Fleet and the PoliceFleet e-newsletter bring to your fingertips.

    We can't wait to welcome you and make this an unforgettable highlight of your event experience! 

    Meet our Editor:

    • Nichole Osinski, Executive Editor, Government Fleet

  • Two hosted sessions

    #1 - 1:45pm - 2:15pm
    #2 - 2:15pm - 2:45pm

  • What to collect, how to collect, and why collect it. Using metrics and data to tell your story and influence the narrative. Ensure your administration is kept abreast your Fleet's success.

    Mario Guzman, Assetworks

  • How can you stop trouble in your fleet before it happens? A magic 8 ball might be helpful, but it won't give you the valuable insights you need to transition from reactive maintenance practices to a more proactive, predictive approach. Fleet hall of famer and RTA fleet management consultant Steve Saltzgiver shares how fleets can use existing tools to anticipate mechanical issues before they become costly breakdowns; tools and technology to improve maintenance efficiency, reduce downtime, and extend vehicle lifespan; and best practices for implementing successful predictive maintenance strategies.

    Steve Saltzgiver, RTA The Fleet Success Co. 

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